One of these days, we're going to realize that our little kids are getting bigger. I can't believe that you, Danny, our THIRD child, are nine years old today. That's halfway to all grown up (at least going by current and locationally determined societal standards)!
You're sweet and smart and witty and fun. You never lack energy, which is not too surprising considering that you were never a laid-back child; it was full-speed ahead during my pregnancy with you and you weren't much of a sleeper as a baby. You've always been go, go, go!
But you do love people and love to stop and relate to those around you.
You're getting super good at piano this year and you have finally convinced us to get you some new wheels. We can't wait to see what this next year has for you!
Our greatest desire for this next year is that it sees us all loving God and through Him, loving others better than we do now. That's our prayer for you, too, sweet Danny. Love Him, first. Everything else comes out of that.
We love you, Danny, and we thank God for you!! He knew what He was doing when He gave you to our family. Have a very happy birthday!!