It is so, so good to have you in our family.
You're feisty and funny, you're brave, and you're kind. You're bossy, and you are sweet. You're thoughtful, and you are mine. Well, you're mine, and the rest of your great big, crazy family's, too.
I love how God has knit our "little" family together. Sometimes I feel outnumbered and a bit overwhelmed -- but sometimes, I feel like I see an amazing team being formed, right in front of my eyes. Each person a unique and irreplaceable piece of a bigger picture. And, darling, the picture is beautiful. Quite messy and definitely a work in process, but oh, so beautiful.

Your older sisters -- now they really rejoiced when they found out they were getting another one "on their side." Selah was talking about that today, about how much she loves having you as her first baby sister.
You've been a gift and a joy right from the start. We love how you live and love. We love how you care for your baby sister, and we love how you are a best friend to J.J. We love your confidence and your sparkle and your enthusiasm for life.
We pray that you are blessed, blessed, blessed this year and always. We pray you know how very loved you are, by God, and by us. We pray your joy only grows and your love only deepens. And we pray that you will run to Jesus with all of your heart.
We love you, sweet Kiki, and we thank God for YOU! Happy, happy third birthday, Sweets!