Squishy, you’re two!! And yes, you sometimes have terrible moments but 99.5% of the time you are a delight.
We’re loving watching you grow but we also savor your sweet, squishy cuddles and love.
We love that you always sing, “I love you.”
We love how you eagerly fold your chubby hands when it’s time to pray.
We love how you love your siblings, from the biggest to the smallest.

And we love that you self-initiated potty training during the great shelter-in-place orders of 2020. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have initiated that this year otherwise!
Most of all, we thank God for all the ways that you have brought joy and comfort to our lives. You are a blessing. “The Lord gives.” Have a wonderfully blessed year, Squishers. Happy, happy birthday.
*I use the name “Jonathan” as that is technically his name, but he most typically responds to some variation of Squishy, a Finding Nemo reference bestowed on him by his siblings. But just in case this moniker wears over time, I wanted to make sure his given name was attached somewhere to this post 😘.