Time has flashed by since you were our tiny baby girl, through infancy into toddlerhood to this point where your creative spunk and independent personality seem to be more and more developed each day.
You crack all of us up regularly, and you have each and every one of your siblings wrapped around your adorable fingers. I love seeing how your big brothers melt with your attention. And your big sisters have such delight in teaching you new things about your world.

You're a talker. You already use a few sentences comfortably. You're a singer, even making up your own tunes and words. And you have a few loyal obsessions -- doggie-oggie-oggies and GongGong (our Roombas) being your very favorite conversation pieces.

Even in the midst of a season of countless losses, you have been a comfort, a joy, a delight to all of us. God created you beautifully, sweet child, and we are very, very thankful that you are ours. We love you so much and we pray that as you grow, you will know the deep, deep love of Jesus, and that you will delight in Him as He delights in you!
Happy, happy birthday, Sweet Girl!