Danny, you're a sweet, cool kid. You love life and people. You're happy and kind and confident. You love talking on the phone to anyone who will answer. You love electronics and learning and playing games. You love singing and music and anything that has anything to do with "How to Train Your Dragon." You hoped that we would name your youngest sibling "Hiccup."
You are sweet and affectionate and your eyes light up as you share your excitement with the world. You're kind to strangers and you make friends easily.
You're adventurous and fearless, always up for trying new things. You easily express gratitude and appreciation.
And we love you. God knew what He was doing when He placed you in our family, and we are genuinely thankful that He gave you to us. We hope and pray that as you grow in wisdom and maturity, you will find your peace and confidence in His goodness and His love for you.
Just remember: we're on your side. Happy, happy 8th birthday, sweet Danny!