Sammy! Seriously?!? You're SEVEN!!
Huge!! Gosh, we're enjoying watching you grow up. You're steadfast and reliable, easy going and fun to be around. You're loyal -- you've loved all things Star Wars and Mario and Luigi for how long now?
You are oh-so-sweet to your mom and in this last year or so, you've added your youngest brother and baby sisters to your list of sweet devotions. You also never forget to pray for your Grandmama and Grandpapa whenever it is your turn to pray. (Thank you. That means the world to me.)
Elijah is still your best buddy but you've broadened your horizons and enjoy playing with "the big kids" or chatting it up with random friends (and your parents' friends count as yours!) or strangers, even, if they'll let you tell them what's up with your favorite video games!
You're huggable, lovable, and wonderful. We thank God for you and truly enjoy how He made you -- and who He is making you to be. You're a precious gift, dear son, and we pray that you have the best year yet!