Our Sweet JJ. You're six years old. I've always said one of my favorite stages is "five year old boy syndrome." And it's true. Five has been really good on you. You're sweet, thoughtful, a little loud and boisterous, but typically super content to just be you. You love everyone and are super good to your mama and younger siblings.
You started kindergarten this year and you're flying now. You're definitely a boy and a bit rotten at that, but somehow, you get away with it. All I know is that everyone thinks you're pretty much perfect.
We're really so thankful that God put you in our family, JJ, and we hope and pray that you have a wonderful year. We pray that you always know how deep and wide and strong God's love for you is, and that you grow in that faith and trust more and more each year.
We love you, Son, and we hope you have a very happy birthday and an awesome year! Happy, happy birthday, J.J!