*Yes, this one is late, too, but hopefully we're back on track now!*
You're such a fun kid, Mikey. You're out there. You're bold. You're confident. You can talk more than the rest of your family put together, and in the extreme scenario that no one is listening, talking to yourself is not out of the question.
You're rough and tumble. You're spontaneous and sometimes
impetuous. You're constantly thinking and constantly doing and sometimes that
creates and sometimes that... well.... destroys. But you're growing and learning
and maturing and every day, we can see more and more of the man that you are
becoming. And that is good and exciting!
You are kind. You are thoughtful. You are affectionate. You are
sweet to your mother, and that means a lot, Mikey. That means a lot.
You have great dimples. Great dimples. Seriously -- when you're
excited, your eyes light up, your dimples pop in, and you brighten the room.
It's both endearing and terrifying. But that's a conversation for another day.
We love hearing your thoughts. We love that you share your heart
with us. We love knowing how you process deep, deep realities. We love how you
feed knowledge with TRUTH and you love mercy and grace and forgiveness.
Happy, happy birthday, dear Mikey! We love you!
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