Sunday, August 5, 2007

Amy and Lila Report on Colorado Trip

The following are firsthand reports by Amy and Lila, who accompanied us on our recent trip to Colorado.


On July 20th, 2007, [David, Christina, Eliana, Michael, Daniel], Lila, and I left for Colorado. We were going to be gone for a week and were super excited! The first day of the trip we drove 10 hours, from California to Salt Lake City, then stopped at the Courtyard Marriott for the night. It was a very nice hotel. The next day we drove 7 hours to Montrose, Colorado. I have to tell you it was beautiful!

The next few days were wonderful! We went to various places including the Black Canyon, Ouray, and Box CaƱon Falls, which were all wonderful because we were out in God's creation. I was very sad to have to leave Montrose but very grateful for the time we had there! This trip was one of the most wonderful trips I've been on and ever will be!


Well, as everyone knows, Amy and I went to Colorado! It was supposed to be a surprise for Laura but her mom ruined it. That was very funny.

The day we left was a very long day. Nevada was very dull. We stayed at the Courtyard Marriott (aka, Cockroach Inn) which was very nice and the next morning we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Yum!

The day we got to Colorado, we received a very warm welcoming from [Christina's parents] and a wonderful dinner. Then we went to Charity’s house. Oh my goodness, it is soooooooo beautiful! We stayed in her bonus room, which has a pool table.

On Sunday we went to [Christina's parents'] house and had a BBQ for Charity’s home coming. (She had just returned from Hong Kong). That was very fun.

Monday was very relaxing. We just stayed home and watched movies and hung out. And Laura had a doctor’s appointment for her boil behind her ear.

Tuesday was awesome. We went to the Black Canyon, the second largest canyon in the world. It was AMAZING. Then we went to a going away party for one of Laura’s friends who is moving to Texas.

On Wednesday we went to Box Canyon Falls, where [David] proposed to [Christina]. It was so pretty! And we had some yummy ice cream in a little town called Ouray. That was one of the best days.

Then on Thursday, sadly we left. BUT! Laura came back with us!! Yippee!! We stayed at the Courtyard Marriott again, and Laura, Amy, and I got our own room! It was so much fun. We stayed up late, swam, and ate junk food.

Friday was very long because my nose started to plug up so I couldn’t sleep very well in the car. But it was fun anyway. We stopped at 5 McDonald’s on the way! I have to say it was one of the best trips in the world!! Every day was completely wonderful. I can’t wait to go again.

In case you missed them, photos of the Colorado trip are available here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

5 McDonald's -- you know David's all about the dollar menu!