Friday, July 20, 2007

Thank you, God!

*Please note: This post contains a wee bit of sappiness and much rambling. If such things cause you nausea, repulsion, or disgust, please feel free to discontinue reading.*

David worked late last night, with the Assembly in session to pass the state budget. I had fallen asleep before he got home, but woke up when he walked in the front door. After chatting with him about the evening and our upcoming trip, he fell asleep...But I was unable to follow suit, excited about our plans to see my family this week and thinking about what needed to be done, and then, reminiscing...

Five years ago this night I was also pretty excited and sleepless. I couldn't stay in bed for the joy and anticipation of what I was going to face the next day -- my wedding to my beloved. I couldn't believe that God had brought David into my life...that a man like him even existed, much more that I would love him so, and he would choose me as the one with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life.

(On a side note, 7 years, 3 months ago tonight was also a pretty sleepless night for me...Thinking about this boy I had been getting to know was just too much to allow me to rest...That sleeplessness, and a dear roommate's encouragement, prompted me to get out of bed and write him an email, asking David out on our first date!)

Now, (at least before I snuck out of bed to write this post), I lay beside this man, my husband of the last five years, my hand resting on my stomach where our fourth child grows, and truly, I am amazed and awed by the One who gives such good, sweet gifts.

I am also amazed at how God has changed David and I in the last five years. He has taken two young, in-love, but independent beings and melded them into one...I think of all the ways our hearts and thoughts have changed during this time. It truly is a work of God...and yet He is in no way finished with us yet...

I think of David - amazing five years ago - absolutely inspiring today. He loves so fully, so self-lessly, so consistently and persistently. This man is a product of the day-by-day grace of God working in his life. He strives to love as God loves...a truly humbling and inspiring gift in a husband.

And with this all, I eagerly anticipate tomorrow, next year, the next 50 years, if God so chooses to keep us on this earth for that long. Seeing the faithfulness of God over these last years, and throughout history, gives me such hope and joy in what He will accomplish in the future. Though it may contain difficulties, pain, trial and tribulations of any sort, I look forward to what God has in store for us on this earth...and even more so, an eternity with this awesome God.

And, I look forward to seeing how God continues to change David and mold us into the children, the spouses, the parents, the friends and family that He wants us to be. I pray that we will grow in His love and faithfulness...and that we would care more about the lost and dying world around us, that we might more fully and eagerly reflect and point them to the One that created them.

I expect our Danny to be waking up soon, so I'll leave my ramblings here and sneak back into bed...Actually, I hear him now...

Joyfully and thankfully,


Anonymous said...

very sweet, Christina, but this reader wants less mushy, romantic posts and more pictures of your cute kids!

Maybe some shots with the CO family?

Have a great trip!

Stacy said...

Beautiful post, Christina. Great reminder of ALL that we are given undeservedly by a sovereign loving God. Have a safe and fun family adventure!

Anonymous said...

when are you going to post again?!?