Anyone heard about the studies out there connecting SIDS to fumes given off by crib mattresses? There's an interesting article here and we're wondering if anyone else knows anything about it...
In the meantime, we'll probably be ordering a mattress cover.
hey, mamas...? are you suggesting that daddies don't have anything intelligent to contribute to this discussion? i feel so excluded and marginalized... (j/k)
Hah! Okay, "Daddy", my mistake -- what do you want to contribute?
hmmm...interesting. Thanks for posting.
All that fungal growth talk has encouraged me to wash everyone's bedding! So you are getting a cover, eh?
I'll make my husband read the article. The part about hand-me-down mattresses is definitely worrisome.
Since Russell prohibits us from locking our front door or using smoke detectors I doubt he'll be moved to action by this information, but I'll try.
Selling an alternative product is much easier if you are afraid. What do blog readers think about the legal disclosure at the bottom that says: Healthy Child does NOT make ANY claims that using a non-toxic mattress or wrapping a mattress will prevent SIDS since this has not been 100% scientifically proven.
They want you to draw a conclusion they can’t legally make. I guess there are worse uses of money than spending a few bucks for peace of mind.
if you couldn't guess, "anonymous" was my husband...
Haha -- I'm glad you clarified, Sharon! I wouldn't want to go throwing Russell's comments in with some of the wacky "anonymous"es out there!
Well, I definitely appreciate and value the other perspective on this. And I don't want to come across as buying into every random theory out there!
Though controversial and not "100% scientifically proven", I thought there were some, at least, thought-provoking arguments to this. (i.e. Increasing chances of SIDS with each additional child). And with that in mind, I don't think the mattress cover would be the worst $30 ever spent. Even if it's only value is additional peace of mind. =)
anonymous, has anything ever been "100% scientifically proven?" That's a pretty high threshold to meet before taking any precautions.
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