Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Poll for You...

When Eliana was 8 months old, I got tired of waiting for her to consecutively sleep through the night and we called her on it, telling her that she was old enough to sleep through the night and we weren't going to buy any stories she had to tell to the contrary in the wee hours of the morning any longer... Within a few nights, she was sleeping fabulously, and thanks to this, I got a bit of sleep myself before Mikey made his appearance months later.

It seems that our little angel likes us to have to call her bluff. So last week, after several failed attempts at potty training over the last year, we drew another line in the figurative sand for sweet Eliana. We informed her that she was too big for diapers and she couldn't have them anymore. It's been an interesting week, but on the whole, she's moving in the right direction and there is, indeed, grand hope that by the time she turns 26, she will no longer be peeing in her pants.

I have no great stories to share about our child being potty trained in a weekend... It seems that a 3 1/2 year habit doesn't break that easily in a child as determined as Eliana... but the accidents seem to be fewer and we are only putting her in pull-ups at night... (Well, other than for church the other day, but that proved unnecessary... and doesn't add to the story much.)

Which brings us to a bit of a debate between David and I that I bring to you in hopes of you solving! Now David says that I have to provide a balanced review to you without telling you which one of us is on which side, because he is convinced that you would all vote for me if I told you which side I'm on. So, here's my balanced, anonymous version of the debate:

One of us insisted on changing the name/location of our blog once Selah was born, though the other warned that this might be a little unnecessary due to the impending potty-training of Eliana. Now, the other says that Eliana, though not fully potty-trained yet, is technically no longer in diapers, making the label "Diapers for Four" a little deceptive. The first one says that a pull-up at night is the same thing as still being in diapers, so we still have four in diapers.

In presenting this dilemna to some friends, we have discussed future blog names/locations that might lead to a bit more stability and more seldom name changes... A progression of blog names might possibly include future phases in our lives like diapers4ever, diapers4gotten, diapers4grandkids, and diapers4us... Not that our identities are wrapped up in diapers or anything...

So... here's the question for all of you: Do we still have four in diapers, or not?


Sharon said...

I can definitely see both sides of this debate. I think a pull-up is still a diaper, however, if it's only used at night, I'd say the child is "no longer IN diapers" -- since she's wearing panties all day long. (and very proud of that fact too!)

Anonymous said...

ditto sharon. i think that eliana would be qualified as no longer being in diapers. besides, shes in pull ups, not diapers...

Nora :) said...

Hmmm. Though I have no children and therefore no real idea what I'm talking about, that's never stopped me before. I vote with Sharon. It seems like a way of acknowledging Eliana's achievement (way to go!) to say she's no longer "in diapers."

Rodney said...

I vote with David.

Sharon said...

Rodney, you assume you know on which side David stands? Come on!

We expect a little more thought-provoking discussion from you, not simple partisanship.

Anonymous said...

I don't know since mine is in the same boat. Still wears Pull Ups tp bed both at night and nap (although is frequently dry at nap). I don't call her potty trained, since she still has regular accidents, but is wearing panties, and can generally be trusted while we're out, but sometimes doesn't make it through church. I consider a Pull Up a diaper, but think a child can be considered potty trained before they're dry through the night. I too now have a glimmer of hope that mine won't be having accidents in college, but am not holding my breath for kindergarten.

Margaret G

Rodney said...

I think, in this case of pure subjectivity, it's a perfect time for simple partisanship. And, actually, I have no idea which side David is on. It really is simple partisanship, which on this issue, is good enough for me. :)

Stacy said...

well, I was going to side with Christina...but since my hubby stole my line...I clearly will have to interject a real opinion on a matter we have yet to whole-heartedly understand...

but because "bah bah" is "not a real first word" in our house I suppose to maintain consistency, a pull-up is still a diaper.

Christina said...

"bah-bah" is not a real first word?? does it have a consistent meaning? is it like, "bye bye" or "ball"?

Christina said...

=) by the way, if you ask Eliana if she still wears diapers, she'll say, "no-ooo (with a little chuckle in her voice), I wear panties!"

Lara said...

I think you should just leave the name as it stands to memorialize this time or in case you end up adding another diaper-wearing adorable one. Besides, how will I find you if you change your name, and it's not deceptive, just anachronistic.

Anonymous said...

I say, accidents during the day=not yet potty trained (mom still has to clean her up all day!) and a pull up is still a diaper. (diapers4us, hehehehe)

Sharon said...

Sarah had an accident about a couple months ago. She hasn't worn a diaper of any sort for at least 2 1/2 years! Wearing panties all day = potty trained -- accidents or no!!!

Rodney said...

I'm inclined to think that "potty training" is somehow related to being trained to use the potty. If a child can use the potty, they are, therefore, "potty trained"—accidents notwithstanding. According to me.

Anonymous said...

Dave please let folks know that there is no cost to switching the blog name back to diapers for three.

I would hate for anyone to accuse you of diminishing your daughters potty training achievement in order to save a few bucks.

Lila said...

I say no, the diapers are history.
Hey, what about the catchy name "Diapers4Lila"? =)

Christina said...

Haha! Well, you do change many of them... =)

Christina said...

Okay -- I'm having a hard time tallying this, since *ahem* some people have just voted for a person, but then seem to voted for a side... Then it seems that the issue at some point, has turned from whether or not she is still "in diapers" to whether or not she is "potty-trained"... Which, might, indeed, be two different things...

But to the best of my guesses, so far, the tally seems to favor the idea that she is out of diapers. =) We'll give it a few more days for any last minute voters before we call it!

Anonymous said...

I think that changing the name back to diapers4three would be totally right, but I think that Eliana being totally potty trained by 26 is cutting it kinda close, I'd say 39 is probably the best you can do

Amos said...

I think that you definitely only have three in diapers. And I think that "diapers4ever" is a really, really good name.

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, I was totally kidding in the comment I left earlier about Elaina being potty trained by 39. I think that her just being in pull ups at night is awesome for a three year old.

Anonymous said...

Since your oldest is potty trained how about Diapers for days or days of our diapers or Diapers for whoever needs em

Anonymous said...

and the verdict is???

Christina said...

Looks to me like we should be changing back to the good and faithful, D43...

Even if Eliana's idea of potty training is "hold it all day"...


jordancunningham said...

I like Diapers4Life. It has a Tupac Shakur ring to it...