Friday, September 4, 2009

Moral: Windows are for looking out, not jumping out!


Sharon said...

Crazy kid -- I sure hope he learned his lesson!

Maybe we can get Zach to post some close-ups of the blood. He likes that sort of stuff.

Christina said...


Sharon said...

ooo if you click on the photo you can see the blood better.

His injuries really could have been a lot worse...poor guy!

Christina said...

lol -- yeah. and he was cleaned up really good for the pic. the knot on his forehead is much more colorful now...

Sharon said...

oh dear...yah, missed the knot before. that's a doozy!

Nora :) said...

Yikes! Thank goodness he's mostly unscathed!

Joelle said...

Kids. I'm very glad it wasn't any worse!