Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort. (2 Corinthians 1:3)
Yet even in our grief, we trust that the very number of our baby's days was chosen by a loving and perfect God, whose character is not changed by our sad circumstance. He is good and infinitely wiser than us.
We are comforted in our mourning by many who love us and have grieved our loss with us. We are grateful for each and every one of you who have been and continue to be instruments of God's grace to us.
We were recently blessed with a gift of a poem, written by a dear friend from church as she grieved for us, and we would like to share that here, as well.
Take Comfort...
Yours was the vessel chosen to house the LORD'S littlest elect. (Mark 10:14)
Take Comfort...
Your precious babe is in the Presence, where He Himself will eternally protect. (Job 3:11-19)
So weep for now my love, yet not in despair... (1 Thessalonians 4:13)
Take Comfort...
Knowing that wee righteous soul lives forever, in the Lord's tender care. (2 Samuel 12:15-23)
Beautiful poem! *{tears of joy and sorrow}* What a comfort the Words of our sovereign, loving God are!
So thankful for the precious life of #7 and for your faithful mothering of him/her for these few months. Love you!
What a sweet poem and so full of God's gracious truth. Love you!
What a beautiful poem, and how kind of her to make it for you!
You remain in my prayers.
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