Monday, January 19, 2015

Happy Birthday, Selah!

You're seven! It's amazing how time flies.. and how I think I probably start all my birthday posts with this contemplation. I can't believe how quickly you're growing, sweet girl.

We're so thankful for you, Selah. You are joyful and exuberant and competent and girly! =) You love all things pink and flowery and pink. You love to dance and to dress up and to talk and to play with your friends. 

You love to dream about your future ... and it's sweet to see you working with Eliana to make beautiful artistic creations. 

You can be so kind and considerate, and you always take the time to coo at your baby sister or play with your youngest brother. You seem to really like your daddy, too.

You are a gift from God and we look forward to seeing what His good plans are for you. We pray that you'll know His love more and more each day. 

Happy, happy birthday, Sweet Selah! We love you!

1 comment:

Joelle said...

Happy Birthday, Selah! Hope your 'unBirthday' celebration was fabulous!