DUDE!! You're six!! You've been telling people all day that you're "TURNING SIX" today, and so you're five and you'll "act-chew-wu-wee (actually) be six tomorrow." Technically, you're correct, since you weren't born until 11:59pm. (I know, I know... I tell you that every year. And I also always tell you that these next 18 days are my favorite of the year because when people ask me how old my kids are, I can now say I have an 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, and 6 year old. Of course, I have a few others, too, but their ages don't line up so nicely.)
ANYHOW, Little Dude, YOU are AWESOME!! We have had so much fun with you this year. (As I wrote that last sentence you ran back and forth in front of me 147 times while enthusiastically telling me some crucial information about one of the games that has your attention. I forget which one. But needless to say, it took me a long time to write that sentence.)

Enthusiastic is a great word to describe you. Energetic, confident, generous, compassionate and wholehearted are some others. So many times this past year (or two), I have told others how much I love five-year-old boys. Five-year-old boys are so sweet and loving, and they look at the world and see it for its very best. At least, if all five-year-old boys are like you, that's what they do. I have a feeling that I'm going to be saying some awesome things about six-year-old boys now.

We love you, Elijah. You're a gift from God. You love Star Wars and Luigi and the Wii U. You are tender and caring with babies and toddlers. Sammy is still your best friend, and you love the color green. You'll take the time to stop and talk to anyone. You love people and know that they love you right back. And when given the option to pick any cupcake you want, you make sure it's the most beautiful chocolate cupcake you can find, and then you give it to your Mommy. (Well, you give it to Sammy and your Mommy to share, but then Sammy tells your Mommy she can have it all. Seriously. You boys are the best!!)
We hope you have an awesome year, Sweet Buddy, living and learning and loving even more. Happy, happy sixth birthday, 'Lijah!! We love you!!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday, Elijah! Enjoy being six!
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