Friday, February 23, 2007

Wilberforce Movie Update

The movie Amazing Grace hits theatres today (see my earlier post on this subject). If you get a chance to see the movie, let us know what you thought of it!


Anonymous said...

After seeing "One Night with the King" (which I did finally return to Blockbuster -- Thanks Christina!) I realized I might have been too harsh on "Amazing Grace." It really was a well made movie. Definitely worth paying to see. I'm glad I didn't pay to see "One Night with the King." Hah!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to see it tomorrow!

Christina said...

Well...I liked "Amazing Grace" AND "One Night with the King"...But then again, I like "Princess Bride", too...So I'm not sure that my opinion counts too much!

Sharon said...

Princess Bride is a classic!

Anonymous said...

I think my sweet wife and I might see it this weekend, also. We don't go to the movie theaters much because of how outrageous the prices have gotten, but we have been known to "vote with our wallet"- and what we've heard of this film from people like you and other Christians suggests perhaps it'd be a smart idea.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully next car is nicely encased in ice at the moment, and we've got about 5-6 inches of snow down and gaining...

Janice Phillips said...

Loved the movie and gave it a mini-review on my wordpress blog. Hope ya'll are doing well! :-)