Happy Third Birthday, Mikey!
We love you so much. You really are a delight to us all... We love your passion and enthusiasm, all rolled into a laid back, usually go-with-the-flow personality. We love the way you play hard and sleep hard (and I love the fact that I have a hard time remembering the last time that it was you that woke me up in the middle of the night!)
We love the excitement that you express every time you see a basketball hoop in someone's driveway or a soccer ball on the front of a tshirt. We love your dimples and the way you crack your baby sister up, just by "talking" to her.
We thank God for you, Michael Joseph, and though we can't believe three years have already passed, we look forward to seeing more and more of the person that God created you to be! We hope and pray that someday soon, your greatest excitement and joy will be found in the finished work of Christ on the cross.
We love you, Mikey! Happy, happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, Mikey!
(And hurrah for sound sleepers and 'claiming innocence' t-shirts!)
Happy Birthday Mikey! We love you so much!
YAY!! Happy Big 3, Mikey! You are a special little guy!
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