Friday, September 12, 2008


Selah plans to surrender her roll as baby of the family in about 33 weeks or so. Once again, we are humbled and thankful for God's sweet provisions and blessings!


Sharon said...

Celebrating #5 with you! Yeah!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm so excited and can't wait to see her/him!

the mumpers said...


Jodi said...


i think about you alot and praying for you too!


Stacy said...

Breakin' the tie!! Can't wait to see which way it'll go!

Stacy said...
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Stacy said...

hmmm....Sharon, are you celebrating #5 WITH the fam?? Eager "cousins" want to know!

Sharon said...

Stacy...simply "rejoicing with those who rejoice."

...But, we'd definitely love more future blessings of our own!

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across your blog, ironically because your comment on a giveaway sounded exactly like mine: "I have 3 in diapers and one on the way" :-) I didn't think there were any others out there that needed that many diapers! ;-)

Christina said...

Tina -- =) it is nice to know there are others out there changing as many diapers during the day!

Your kids are adorable!

We actually had four in diapers for a short period of time last year... I'm hoping to have one or two more out of diapers before the next one comes a long, but I tend to have stubborn ones in that department! ;)

kimodified said...

Congratulations!!! :-) Rejoicing with you!!