Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mikey is from Mars


Aunt Lynne said...

who wants to argue nature vs. nuture?? :)

auntie k said...

Elly is so cute saying that god made babies for his glory:)

Joshua and Carrie Briggs said...

How did Auntie K figure out Elly was saying that? All I heard was "Aughh, ugh, oooooo, aurgh, baby, oooooo!" :)

Mikey has the right comes first man! :)

Lindsay said...

Aww! Your kidos are all so adorable! It was fun to see you at church tonight. Thanks for sharing Selah with us! She is very cute!! Congrats again!

Nora :) said...

These videos are just too much. Thank you for sharing such a precious time!

Stacy said...

Give Selah a ball and then we'll see some movement!

Rodney said...

Good stuff! I like all the multimedia-ness!