Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Potty Seat Recalls and Such

2007 was the year of the recall, especially for kid's products. Even our Winnie the Pooh potty seat was "recalled." Evidently, Tigger's orange paint contained lead.
The "recall" merely allowed us to request a clear patch to place over Tigger to ensure that our kids wouldn't lick him. (And, no, our kids weren't licking Tigger, nor are they using the potty seat like they're supposed to yet.)

There are a number of web sites that provide recall information, such as recall.gov. The problem with many of these web sites is they don't include pictures of the stuff being recalled, and they tell you about every single recall under the sun.

I've found the Consumer Reports Blog on Babies and Kids to be a helpful source of recall information pertaining to children's products. You can subscribe by RSS so that every time there is a major recall, you'll see an image and description of the product being recalled.


Anonymous said...

eagerly anticipating the switch to "Diapers 4 Four" anyway!!!!

Christina said...

Hey! Come on...Danny uses the potty seat to stand on and peer at the...uh...faucet. That's useful, right?

And, dear Sharon...the name change is currently on "Christina's Forbidden Subjects" list. ;)

Anonymous said...

I just mean, you know, can't wait to meet the new one!

And, by the way, will we have to check the blog to learn when you're heading to the birth center, or is there a phone tree set up?


Christina said...

Hah! I doubt I'll be thinking about this blog when I'm in labor...and I have a feeling that David would be in trouble if he was thinking about the blog at that time...

How 'bout I'll give you a call, Sharon, and you can call the rest of the world? =)

Anonymous said...


Stacy said...

oh...oh...please let the mitchells be on the spam list...