Though not without its shortcomings, the movie is well worth seeing and we heartily recommend it. Whether or not you already know the story of William Wilberforce, we think you'll find the film entertaining, educational, and inspirational. But if you have young children, we'd suggest getting a sitter as the images of the slave trade might be a bit intense for them.
The movie's account of Wilberforce's life and convictions only goes so far. For the rest of the story, try this free book by John Piper.
I agree with your recommendation of the movie.
One item my husband and I discussed afterwards was the idea that political service is equal to serving God (in the church/mission field).
While I fully support christians' involvement in politics -- even single issue "crusades" against Biblical injustice (abortion, slavery), I don't think we should elevate political work over any other vocation. Vintners and trash collectors are serving God too. What do you think?
I think you make a good point. But there is perhaps an equal danger of using the "ministry" of spreading the gospel as an excuse to ignore the injustices of our day. I think the two can and should work hand in hand as they appear to have in Wilberforce's life. Perhaps this topic would make for a good discussion at the next Lowery open house?
Thanks for sharing about the movie. I definitely want to see it, and I agree with David - this would make a good Lowery open home discussion!
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