Beginning January 1, Californians will get more cash back for their aluminum, glass and plastic beverage containers. Assembly Bill 3056, signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on September 30, raises the amount of California Refund Value (CRV) consumers receive at recycling centers to a nickel for containers less than 24 ounces and a dime for containers 24 ounces and larger. For at least six months, the amount of CRV consumers pay at the store will remain four cents on smaller containers and eight cents on larger ones.
If you're a California resident and not already taking your cans and bottles to a recycling center to get some money for them, make it your New Year's resolution to start doing so. Still too much hassle? You can always feel free to donate them to support your favorite local diaper fund.
so does my local neighborhood diaper fund want our aluminum cans or plastic and glass too? if so, should we separate prior to delivery or is mixed o.k.?
thanks, mrssharonlowery... we'll take anything that has a CRV associated with it. if you're up to separating the cans from the plastic/glass that would definitely help save us some time. but what's most important is to make sure to rinse everything so the ants won't attack.
another question...why are wine bottles not crv?
sounds like a good bill idea :-)
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